Superficially, ZeroWheel may appear to be a standard ab wheel, but the comparison ends there. ZeroWheel goes beyond floor-based exercises and takes a core-focused approach to full-body training.Personalized Workouts
ZeroWheel wants to make full-body exercise accessible to every fitness level without sacrificing effectiveness. ZeroWheel has been designed for progressive exercise and is supposed to challenge you as you develop. This is why we have designed
various modes ↗ that can help you or challenge you. We want to make sure that every ZeroWheel experience is personalized, no matter the fitness level of our user. These modes also dynamically react to your movement in real-time, assuring that your exercise remains safe and on track.
Versatile Movements
The physical ZeroWheel device is very simple in construction. As a wheel with handles, ZeroWheel can be rolled on any flat surface with sufficient friction. With its motor and computer, ZeroWheel can apply a variety of assistance or resistance modes along the range of motion. With ZeroWheel, you can work out your entire body through a variety of floor- and wall-based
exercises ↗.
One amazing aspect of ZeroWheel is how different people use ZeroWheel in their own way. Golfers and baseball players like rolling ZeroWheel on the wall side-to-side, mimicking a swing. Dancers like using ZeroWheel in barre movement to practice balance under tension. Football players often prefer classic core exercises with the difficulty dialed to Burn 5 for an unmatched abdominal workout.
Connected Fitness
Since ZeroWheel has a suite of sensors inside the device, when connected to
ZeroWheel Fitness ↗, your performance metrics are synced automatically while you work out. This creates an integrated experience, where you can get motivated through an analytical approach to ZeroWheel.